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'Lingot' plant seeds - Veritable

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Package of "Lingot" cinnamon-flavoured basil seeds - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINO10Bas00E

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" purple basil seeds - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINO10Bas00F

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" arugula seed - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINJ10Roq02E

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of shiso seeds, "Lingot", bicolor - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINS5Shi051

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" Phlox seeds - "VERITABLE" brand

Code: VLINF5Phl04C

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of yellow mini-tomatoes "Lingot" seeds - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINL5Tom053

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package with Jalapeno hot pepper seeds, "Lingot" - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINL5Pim04E

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" mentha pulegium seeds - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINA10Men04A

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package with "Lingot" zucchini flower seeds - VERITABLE brand

Code: VLINF5Cou015

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Seed packet “Lingot” Burnet salad - Veritable

Code: VLINO10Pim025

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Lingot package of marjoram seeds – Veritable


In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" mixed color pansy seeds - Veritable


In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Lingot package of kale seeds – Veritable

Code: VLINJ10CHO048

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of "Lingot" pink mini-tomato seeds - Veritable

Code: VLINL5Tom052

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of forget-me-not flower (Myosotis) seeds, 'Lingot' - Veritable

Code: VLINF5MYO063

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Package of Espelette chili pepper seeds, 'Lingot' - Veritable

Code: VLINL5PIM060

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.