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Stainless steel cooking pots

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Stainless steel saucepan with lid, 20 cm / 2.8L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1169

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel casserole dish, with lid, 24cm/4.5L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1170

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel casserole dish, with lid, 28cm/7.3L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1171

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel sauté pan, with lid, 28cm/5L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1173

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel saucepan, with lid, 16cm/2L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1157

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel saucepan, with lid, 20cm/3.8L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1159

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Milk pot, stainless steel, 14cm/2L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A1155

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Strainer pasta cooking pot, stainless steel, 20cm/5.1L, "Proline" - Korkmaz

Code: A2770

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Deep stainless steel saucepan with lid, 40 cm / 31 L, "Proline Gastro" - Korkmaz

Code: A2727

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Stainless steel cooking pot, with lid, 18cm/4.3L, "Proline Gastro" - Korkmaz

Code: A2729

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel cooking pot, with lid, 20cm/6L, "Proline Gastro" - Korkmaz

Code: A2730

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel cooking pot, with lid, 28cm/16.5L, "Proline Gastro" - Korkmaz

Code: A2732

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel cooking pot, with lid, 32cm/26L, "Proline Gastro" - Korkmaz

Code: A2733

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Container for food storage and bain-marie, stainless steel, 24cm/8L - de Buyer

Code: 339024

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Stainless steel cooking pot set, 8 pieces, "Perla" - Korkmaz

Code: A1606

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.